Mhando dzeAquarium Plants


Telorez ordinary or Telorez aloevidny, scientific name Stratiotes aloides. The plant is widely distributed in Europe, Central Asia, the North Caucasus and Western Siberia. Grows in shallow water on nutrient-rich silted substrates in river backwaters, lakes, ponds, ditches.

This is a fairly large plant that forms hard, but brittle leaves up to 60 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, collected in a bunch – a rosette. Each leaf blade has sharp spines along the edges.

Telorez aloes grows completely submerged in water for a significant part of the year, sometimes showing pointed leaves above the surface. In the summer, when young leaves appear and old ones die off, the plant emerges due to the presence of carbon dioxide “pockets” in them. Then it sinks back to the bottom.

Can be successfully used in large aquariums that mimic the biotope of stagnant tropical waters. For example, when keeping the inhabitants of the swamps of Southeast Asia (Petushki, Gourami, etc.).

The main requirement for successful cultivation is the presence of a soft nutrient substrate. Otherwise, Telorez ordinary is completely unpretentious and grows well in various conditions.

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