Sei katsi ichikwenya muswe? Uye 9 mamwe masaini emuswe wekati

Sei katsi ichikwenya muswe? Uye 9 mamwe masaini emuswe wekati

Is your cat an open book to you? Or maybe you just think so? The cat is a mysterious creature, and it is very difficult to understand it. But there are tips that will help you accurately recognize the mood of the pet. One of them is the tail. What can he tell about the inner world of his mistress?

We truly love our pets. For us, they are full members of the family with their own desires and needs. No wonder we often humanize them. But this can be a problem. Giving cats their feelings, reactions and patterns of behavior, we misread their habits and move away from them.

A responsible owner needs to remember that cats have their own motives for everything. It is important to learn how to identify them correctly in order to avoid mistakes in upbringing and not to lose that connection with the pet.

The tail is one of the main clues, a guide to the world of mutual understanding with your pet. We know that a dog wags its tail when it is happy. But with cats it’s more complicated. The position of the tail, its tension and bend, active movements or slight vibration of the tip – all these are signals that unmistakably give out the mood of the pet. How to read them?

Sei katsi ichikwenya muswe? Uye 9 mamwe masaini emuswe wekati

  • The cat holds the tail with a “gun”.

If the cat’s tail is confidently pointing up, this is a good sign. Your pet is in a great mood, she feels great and is open to communication and fun games. Only forward!

  • Tail issue.

A cat can curl its tail in such a way that it looks like a question mark. If you see such a tail on your pet, it means that she is friendly and quite possibly wants you to scratch her behind the ear. Sit your pet on your lap or invite him to play with a teaser.

  • Vibrating tail.

Is the cat’s tail up and vibrating? Attention: your cat is nervous, but this excitement is positive. Usually cats behave this way while they are given a new portion of their favorite food or when the hostess unpacks a fragrant treat. In a word, when they look forward to something very, very pleasant.

  • Muswe pasi.

If the cat’s tail is tense and lowered, it means that she is worried about something. Something about what is happening makes her anxious, alarming. Perhaps the cat smelled the smell of a neighbor’s dog from the entrance. Or maybe she doesn’t like your new perfume.

  • The cat wags its tail.

If a cat slaps her sides with her tail, don’t think she’s happy like your friend’s cheerful Corgi. On the contrary: she is very tense and, perhaps, even angry. In this way, cats often react to new animals in the house, people they don’t like, or a hated vacuum cleaner.

  • Waving tail up and down.

A cat can wag its tail not only left and right, but also up and down. If your cat does this, you better not touch it. She’s tense or scared, and the best way to do this right now is to shield her from stressors and redirect her attention to something pleasant.

  • The cat fluffed its tail.

The cat fluffed out its tail so much that it looked like a cockerel fish? And in addition, she arched her back and pressed her ears? This is cause for concern.

Your cat is very angry and ready to attack. Another scenario: she, on the contrary, is frightened and is going to defend her territory, because there is nothing else left for her (in her opinion, of course).

In this situation, the cat really needs your help. But do not rush to take her in your arms: she can behave aggressively. Try to eliminate the annoying factor and divert the attention of the cat, let it calm down and fully recover. And only after that you can try to caress your pet.

Sei katsi ichikwenya muswe? Uye 9 mamwe masaini emuswe wekati

  • The tail is lowered and clamped between the hind legs.

Attention, this is an SOS signal. Your cat is under severe stress and is ready to fall through the ground from fear. If you have never noticed such a condition in a pet, you can be happy for him! But if such a reaction is familiar to you, try to reconsider the conditions of the cat. Such stress does not benefit anyone!

  • Lazy tail wagging.

The cat may wag its tail slowly and lazily. Perhaps at this time your pet is lying on a cozy couch or inspecting his possessions from a high shelf. Be sure: the cat is thinking about some problem and looking for solutions. Maybe she saw how you hid a new treat in the closet and is plotting to extort him?

  • If the tail “hugs” the cat.

If the cat lies calmly and, as it were, hugs itself with its tail along the contour of the body, try not to disturb it. Everything is fine with your pet: she is calm, comfortable, warm. She is resting and gaining strength.

We want your pet to emit as many positive signals as possible. Enjoy them – it’s your merit!

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